Recently I released my first Electron application. When my application was ready to be released, it was required to have it notarized by Apple, or else nobody could use my your application. Although there are quite a few articles on this matter, it still took...
Over the years, I've SSH'ed into dozens of servers to execute Laravel Artisan commands. Creating some bash shortcuts made things a bit easier, luckily. On some occasions, though, clients did not support SSH, and in other cases, they did, but it was a terrible process...
Back in 2009, TED published a talk by Simon Sinek, and it was about something called the Golden Circle. Simon explains how to truly differentiate your brand from your competitors by answering and communicating the following questions in this order: Why — This is your organization’...
People want a sense of purpose, and they don't want bosses; they want coaches. How HR driven leaders compare to CFO driven leaders and how the Millennial workforce is different from their predecessors.