I'm excited to announce the release of v2, which introduces the new Spotlight component, and new features for the modal component.
The Spotlight component brings a powerful context-aware command palette to your Laravel application.

Inspired by GitHub's command palette, Spotlight brings you all those great features you are used to when navigating around your repositories. Try it yourself, hit CMD/CTRL+K to trigger Spotlight, type to search, use your arrow keys to navigate, or use the tab key to apply scopes to your query.
Ready to add this to your application and surprise your customers by making it easier than ever to navigate? Head over to the documentation to get started. There is also a demo repository you can use as a reference. I'll be recording a screencast on how to use the Spotlight component, and this will be available soon. If you have a license that includes screencasts, you will be notified when the screencast is available.
Modal improvements and new features
The modal component no longer disappears on various breakpoints in certain cases when resizing your window, and there is a new "full-size" option to offer your users extra space when dealing with many fields.

A new feature is an InteractsWithConfirmationModal trait that makes asking your users for confirmation a joy—no need to build custom modals for every action you want your users to confirm. Just import the trait and call the askForConfirmation method.

You can also set various options; I tweeted about an example that uses all possibilities, like a confirmation phrase, showing a table to inform users what data is being deleted, changing the prompt, adjusting the modal behavior, and much more. Visit the documentation for more information.
Upgrading from v1
There are a few minor breaking changes, but it should only take a few minutes to upgrade. You can find the upgrade guide here.
Get Wire Elements Pro Today
That's a wrap! I hope you are as excited about this release as I am. I'm looking forward to seeing you join the existing fans of Livewire enthusiasts building amazing applications using the Pro components. Ready to get started? Click here to get Wire Elements Pro or update your composer.json if you already have a license.